Monday, February 25, 2008

Welcome to A Jug's Life. I plan to post short, but frequent little quick hits/thoughts/posts on stuff that I do and think, probably with some pics just to give a little look into Jug's life beyond my "here" - "them" posts.

I'll start with...

Today I registered myself and my team for the Beach to Bay Relay Marathon in Corpus Christi, TX. This will be the fourth year in a row we have run this, and it is just a freaking blast of a weekend. I know...most people don't run unless they are being chased. Most of the people on my team don't run until this weekend each year. No one cares though, we are just down there for the beer. Steve (R.I.P.) knows this race. Its a fun atmosphere if you are going to run, the beer tastes even better when you get done running your leg.

This year we have at least two other teams joining us, so we'll have at least 20 people out there at Cole Park for the after race party drinking beer, playing volleyball, drinking beer, catching some live music, drinking beer, throwing frisbee, drinking beer, and maybe even rolling down the hill in a garbage can (because we drank beer).


El Padrino said...

what's "run"?

BLUE said...